Mechanisms of Influence in Cross-Media Narration

Digital technologies have influenced greatly not only the form but the content of media too. Media convergence has caused the appearance of such terms as multimedia, cross-media and transmedia which have become very popular in the modern communication sphere.

First of all, it is very important to define the semantics of these words. It is noteworthy that most of the works concerned with the problem under analysis were written by experts in marketing, communication strategies and advertising and are largely concerned with the functional aspects of how to create a successful project, for example, such works as “Getting Started with Transmedia Storytelling” by Robert Pratten, “Transmedia 2.0. How to Create an Entertainment Brand Using a Trans medial Approach to Storytelling” by Nuno Bernardo ((Bernardo,) and “Transmedia Marketing” by Anne Zeiser, etc.  Read More>>>>>>>>


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